
The AUPHF+ website offers a virtual network for the dissemination of a wide range of information, good practice and policy interventions. 
We hope that you find the information included here useful. Should you have any suggestions for further additions or for projects that would fall within the AUPHF+’s remit, please contact the President of the Association.


The AUPHF+ Executive Committee meets twice per year in addition to the Annual General Meeting of the membership. Please contact us at with any queries regarding the formal record of meetings.
Executive Committee Meetings:

AUPHF+ Constitution

The AUPHF+ Constitution was last updated in at our 2022 AGM. Please find attached our constitution document:
AUPHF+ Constitution

    Advocacy and Policy Consultation

    A key function of the AUPHF+ is to advocate and lobby on behalf of the subject area. In this, we work in partnership with key stakeholders both within and beyond the Higher Education Sector. Any queries should be directed to the President of the Association.

    16.03.18: Submission to UUKI on the equality and diversity consequences of the changes UUK has thus far proposed to the Universities Superannuation Scheme - please click here.

    05.12.17: Letter to the Chief Regulator of Ofqual regarding the severity of grading in MFL at both GCSE and A Level - please click here.

    International Partnerships

    In order to ensure a global voice for French and Francophone Studies, our goal at AUPHF+ is to develop our collaborations with other subject associations and special interest groups both nationally and internationally.


    We hope you find useful the range of presentations included here. Members of the Association wishing to share relevant presentations with the wider membership via the website should contact the Honorary Secretary, Prof. Marion Demossier.


    Useful Links

    If you would like to add a listing that you think would be of interest to the wider French and Francophone Studies community, please write to us at

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